GSAFE Updates

GSAFE Updates

June 12th Supporting & Affirming LGBTQ+ Students in Green Bay

  GSAFE is offering a day-long workshop, Supporting & Affirming LGBTQ+ Students, for educators, staff, and school leaders! This workshop will be ...
GSAFE Updates

Be a Champion for LGBTQ+ Youth! for The Big Share

The Big Share is March 2nd. Help us go BIG, be a Peer to Peer Fundraiser for GSAFE! The Big Share is a ...
GSAFE Updates

Exploring Gender Confidentiality Workshop

  MARK YOUR CALENDARS- 9/29, 4-5pm! The leaders of the Madison Memorial High School Gender Equity Association will be leading a workshop, ...
GSAFE Updates

Donate to our 4th Annual Quilt and Fiber Auction

Online Auction Starts Nov 28 - stay tuned and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates! As the days get shorter ...
GSAFE Updates

GSA @ Elementary

Whether it's a child with same gender parents or LGBTQ+ family members, a child who is asserting their affirmed gender identity, or ...
GSAFE Updates

Nominate an Educator who makes a difference!

It's Teacher Appreciation Week...which should be EVERY week, right?! We know that having one or more supportive adult at school makes a ...
GSAFE Updates

Day of Silence Selfie Social Media Campaign April 24th

This Friday, April 24th, is the National Day of Silence. The Day of Silence began in 1996 as a student-led initiative to ...
GSAFE Updates

¡Únete a Trans Youth Justice Council!

¿Eres un adolescente trans/no binario/inconformado de genero entre 15-18 años de adad?  ¡Únete a Trans Youth Justice Council (TYJC)! TYJC es un programa de desarrollo ...
GSAFE Updates

GSAFE launches the Linda Halsey Keep the Lights ON Fund

With wry humor, exceptional skill, unparalleled dedication and quiet diplomacy,Linda Halsey was a true leader and role model at GSAFE. Linda served as ...
GSAFE Updates

WEAC honors GSAFE With 2018 Friend of Education Award

At its 2018 Representative Assembly in La Crosse, Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC) recognized GSAFE with its 2018 Friend of Education Award. ...